We all face challenges and difficulties

Each day things can happen that are beyond our control.  Paul and Silas were going around doing good, and they got problems for it. Acts 16:16-18  As we were on our way to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who was possessed by a spirit of divination [claiming to foretell…

Being an overcomer in times like these

There is so much going on in the world today. There is so much insecurity and instability. The Lord had been speaking to me about ‘TRUSTING HIM’ and I never realized to what degree people would be called upon to trust Him.  We have got high oil prices, high interest rates, high inflation, high crimes rates and…

The total surrender concept

We sing the song I SURRENDER ALL! But do we mean it and do we do it? God is looking for total surrender, in humbleness and willingness. I believe that Jesus set the example for us. At the time of His greatest challenge He prayed an awesome prayer. Luke 22:42 “Father, if You are willing, please take this cup…

The destructive sacrifice idea

This is a dimension where we can allow control to become destructive in our lives. We can allow this aspect of control to become something that is out of step with God’s word and principles. I have had good Christian people tell me that God told them to get divorced. Years ago we had a church in…

The sleeping partner idea

In business you find the concept of a ‘sleeping partner’. Sleeping partners invest money in the business and share in its profits, but do not take part in running it. They are uninvolved in the day to day management. Often ‘sleeping partners’ are brought in for legal, financial or specialist functions. It is also known as a…

The 99% control idea

Here we give God control over almost everything. 99% represents almost everything. What people see from the outside may leave them feeling impressed that we are ‘sold out’ to God. But there is some area, some aspect, some dimension that we have held onto and not completely given into His hands. You see we all have a free…

The 51% control idea

Years ago I was part of a negotiation between two organizations. It was a critical negotiation that would determine the future of Christian television broadcasting in our country. The government had given the organizations an ultimatum to work together and then they (the government) would make certain broadcasting opportunities available to Christians. So the negotiations…

What stops people from giving God the complete control of their lives?

I have thought about this one long and hard and I believe there are several major themes that stop people from surrendering their all to God. 1. Fear – God is love and we have no reason to fear. 1 John 4:18 ‘There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has…

Giving God control

God is looking for people with hearts that are 100% given over to Him. We sing songs like I SURRENDER ALL, but do we really mean it? Many people are reluctant or hesitant to give God complete control of their lives. Some people are afraid of giving God 100% control. God has plans for each one of…

God's grace is sufficient for you!

Even the great Apostle Paul faced challenges. He called it his ‘thorn in the flesh’. He asked God to remove this hindrance on three occasions, but it seems that this was not to happen. God said this to him: 2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made…


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