Mark 4:34 ‘When He was alone with His own disciples, He explained everything.’
Jesus explained everything to them. He wanted His disciples to grasp and understand what He was saying and teaching. The older translations of the Bible say that He ‘ expounded all things’. This means that He explained carefully and with great detail what He meant. He took time to make sure they fully understood and grasped His teachings. His disciples had an in-depth knowledge and understanding of Divine things. In a very real sense they had a revelation of the truth. He revealed things to them.
You and I, as His disciples can also know this joy of a closeness with Christ and we can also receive revelation from God. Jesus would teach and impart to His disciples. There was also willingness, on the part of the disciples, to listen and learn. They seemed to hang on every word that Jesus spoke. They wanted to discover what He meant and what the Lord’s will was on different aspects.
As His disciples we are His scholars and He is our teacher. And this teacher never gives up on His students. The point of His teaching is that we would grasp and then obey or follow His teaching. What is the good of learning if we don’t apply it to our lives? There needs to be a willingness to learn and a desire to apply what He teachers us to our lives. This is what it means to be a disciple.
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