How to ensure success in 2014: Watch your thoughts (Part 1)
It has been said that we become what we think. If this is true then our thought-life plays a far greater role than we ever could have imagined.I have discovered that our thoughts and what goes on in our minds has a great bearing on who we are and what we become. What do we […]
How to ensure success in 2014: Watch your thoughts (Part 1)
It has been said that we become what we think. If this is true then our thought-life plays a far greater role than we ever could have imagined.I have discovered that our thoughts and what goes on in our minds has a great bearing on who we are and what we become. What do we…
Developing our thought life into a prayer life
So much of our lives are consumed with our thoughts and our thought life. We think about things, worry about things, concern ourselves over things, get distressed and fearful and we even get stressed and anxious. I believe we can begin to turn our thought lives into a prayer life and begin to turn those […]
Developing our thought life into a prayer life
So much of our lives are consumed with our thoughts and our thought life. We think about things, worry about things, concern ourselves over things, get distressed and fearful and we even get stressed and anxious. I believe we can begin to turn our thought lives into a prayer life and begin to turn those…