Praising God with all our hearts
This is something else we must do with all our hearts. Psalm 9:1 ‘I will praise you, O Lord, with all me heart.’ Praise is a very important part of our lives. Psalm 111:1 ‘I will extol the Lord with all my heart.’ Definition of extol; – To praise highly or to glorify. If you are […]
Praising God with all our hearts
This is something else we must do with all our hearts. Psalm 9:1 ‘I will praise you, O Lord, with all me heart.’ Praise is a very important part of our lives. Psalm 111:1 ‘I will extol the Lord with all my heart.’ Definition of extol; – To praise highly or to glorify. If you are…
Divine intervention
When we face difficulty and challenge we find it difficult to praise God. Sometimes we need God to step in first because the things we are facing are robbing us of our ability to respond. Perhaps you are in a situation like this today? Psalm 9:14 Save me, so that I can praise You publicly […]
Divine intervention
When we face difficulty and challenge we find it difficult to praise God. Sometimes we need God to step in first because the things we are facing are robbing us of our ability to respond. Perhaps you are in a situation like this today? Psalm 9:14 Save me, so that I can praise You publicly…