Pass your test
Yes you can pass the test you are facing. Yes you can come through on the other side in victory. Yes you can. Once we pass the test we can move on to the next thing. If we don’t pass the test we are held back and limited in our effectiveness. In fact we end up immature, incomplete […]
Pass your test
Yes you can pass the test you are facing. Yes you can come through on the other side in victory. Yes you can. Once we pass the test we can move on to the next thing. If we don’t pass the test we are held back and limited in our effectiveness. In fact we end up immature, incomplete…
The tests we go through can produce wonderful results
They can help us to get rid of things that should not be in our lives. They can cause our lives to become more productive and fruitful. They can bring about change that can have a positive influence on the world around us. We must always remember that God Himself is in the process and in the […]
The tests we go through can produce wonderful results
They can help us to get rid of things that should not be in our lives. They can cause our lives to become more productive and fruitful. They can bring about change that can have a positive influence on the world around us. We must always remember that God Himself is in the process and in the…