Jesus baptises us in the Holy Spirit
The disciples of Jesus first received the Holy Spirit and then were BAPTISED in the Spirit – that is, they were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time! After His resurrection Jesus appeared to His disciples, breathed on them and said, “RECEIVE ye the Holy Spirit”. John 20:19-22 Then, the same day… Jesus […]
Jesus baptises us in the Holy Spirit
The disciples of Jesus first received the Holy Spirit and then were BAPTISED in the Spirit – that is, they were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time! After His resurrection Jesus appeared to His disciples, breathed on them and said, “RECEIVE ye the Holy Spirit”. John 20:19-22 Then, the same day… Jesus…
What does it mean to be baptised into the body of Christ?
1 Corinthians 12:13 says, “For by one SPIRIT (the Holy Spirit) are WE all baptised into ONE BODY (the church)…” This described what happens to us when we become children of God. Through a miracle the Holy Spirit we are baptised and grafted or united with the true Christians into the body of Christ. This is […]
What does it mean to be baptised into the body of Christ?
1 Corinthians 12:13 says, “For by one SPIRIT (the Holy Spirit) are WE all baptised into ONE BODY (the church)…” This described what happens to us when we become children of God. Through a miracle the Holy Spirit we are baptised and grafted or united with the true Christians into the body of Christ. This is…