Notes & Podcasts


Daily Thought

Your Word for 17 January 2025

Exodus 6:7
‘I will take you as My own people, and I will be your God.’
By: Andrew W Roebert



– Sometimes we think that things will never change.
– Have you ever been in a situation that never seems to change or improve and then got to the point where you begin to think that it can no longer change?
– Perhaps it is a problem in your family, or in your marriage, or in your health. It could also be a situation in your work environment or with your finances.
– When we begin to feel like this we start losing hope.
– This can lead to a sense of hopelessness, despair or discouragement.
– We no longer expect and believe that God can turn things around.
– BUT everything in life is subject to change.
– We must begin to pray for, expect for and believe for change.


– Nothing stays the same forever.
– It may feel like you are stuck in a time warp where things are not moving.
– What we need to remember is that life is a series of seasons.
– The great thing about seasons is that they change.
– We cannot live in a winter season all our lives. When we are in the depth of a winter season, it does feel like it will never end, but it will.
– God has another season awaiting you.
– We must not resign ourselves to the current state of affairs, but we must trust God to turn the tide and change the season in our lives.
– Here is an example: some years ago I visited a country that has a very long winter season. It can last up to nine months of the year. The people that had invited me told me that in February, the middle of their winter, it is statistically the highest suicide month. They ascribed this to the fact that winter has already been so long and it is still a long way from over. As a result people can get discouraged and lose hope to the point where they take their own lives.
– When we face winter seasons in our lives this can also happen.
– But the good news is that seasons change!


– No situation and no circumstance is too hard for God.
Jeremiah 32:27 I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
– In some cases it may even feel as though God has left you or forgotten about you.
– The truth of the matter is that God loves you and He has not and will not forget you.
– Isaiah 49:15 Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!
– Never limit God!
– He is able to reach into your situation and bring about change.
– We must just live with expectant hearts.


– No matter how difficult and complicated your situation may be, God is able to turn things around.
– With God in the equation everything becomes subject to change.
– God is the God of the impossible!
– He can bring about change in any situation.
Isaiah 43:19 I will make a road through the wilderness of the world for My people to go home, and create rivers for them in the desert!
– You may find yourself in a wilderness or a desert.
– This is no obstacle to God.


– It is strange how we always want things to change and then when we arrive at a place where things seem to be going well, then we want things to remain the same.
– Change is part of every aspect of our lives.
– We need to grow accustomed to the truth that constant change is an inevitable part of our earthly life.
– Because of the fact that change is so much a part of life and because the future is uncertain, we need to learn to adjust, expect and be prepared for ongoing change.
– The Bible speaks about change and how that God wants to take us from strength to strength and glory to glory.
– We need to embrace change and expect God to work in each stage of life.


– Faith is an essential element of our lives. 
– We need faith as we face the different seasons and the change that they bring.
– But in all this we can expect and believe God for breakthrough.
– Hebrews 11:1 What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.
– We need to allow our hearts to be full of faith and expectation that at any time God could come through for us and that as a result we will experience breakthrough!
– The people in the Bible who God used were known for their faith and expectation in God.
– Hebrews 11:2 Men of God in days of old were famous for their faith.
– Begin to put out your faith and expect a breakthrough from God.

By: Andrew W Roebert
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