– Psalm 71:12 ‘Do not be far from me, my God; come quickly, God, to help me.’
– Help is one of the most basic functions we need in the course of life. From the moment we are born we need help and right up to the end of life we will need some form of help.
– We may think that we do not need help, but sooner or later we all need help.
– The professionals tell us that we have certain basic or foundational needs, and to meet these needs we need help.
– When we are born our parents help us, when we get married our spouse helps us, when we get sick the doctors help us and when we get old others have to help us.
– Sure, we love independence and want to do things for ourselves, but when we cannot help ourselves, we have to find help outside of ourselves.
– God wants to be exactly this for us – our Helper.
– The words of the great hymn confirm this: ‘Oh God, our help in ages past, our Hope for years to come.’
– You can know God as your Helper.
– Psalm 118:7 ‘He (the Lord) is my Helper.’
– Don’t try to do it on your own when your God wants to help you.
– Take hold of the hope you have in Him and say: ‘My God will help me!’
– Psalm 35:22 ‘LORD, You have seen this…’
– There is nothing that is hidden from God.
– He sees all things, the good, the bad and the ugly.
– He sees what you have done while no one else noticed or appreciated the lengths you went to.
– He sees the way you have thanklessly served and tried to be a blessing and a help to others.
– He sees what you have had to face and what has been done to you.
– He sees all things, knows all things, and never leaves any matter undealt with.
– He is the One Who makes sure reaping follows sowing.
– So, you can rest in the knowledge that God sees and knows all things, even those things you hold within your own heart.
– The Lord sees all and knows all because He cares for you.
– He sees with the goal of intervening and taking care of things.
– Perhaps you feel like no one ever sees or notices you, but God does see.
– Genesis 16:13 ‘You are the God Who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One Who sees me.’
– So rest assured that He sees all things and say: ‘My God will see…’
– Psalm 59:10 ‘In His unfailing love, my God will stand with me. He will let me look down in triumph on all my enemies.’ (NLT)
– Perhaps one of the greatest joys in life is to know that someone is standing with you.
– I remember as a little boy I would walk into the sea and hold onto my mother’s hand as the waves splashed around me. She would stand with me and hold me by the hand and I could enjoy the thrill of the waves and the cold, fresh water, without the slightest fear, because she was standing with me.
– I can remember in later life when my wife was diagnosed with cancer, how one of her friends stood with her during this difficult time. This friend attended all her chemo sessions with her, and was at the hospital when she had surgery and even at the final moment before she passed away, this friend was standing with her. It gave her strength to know that someone was there, standing with her until the end.
– I have also known what it’s like to feel you are standing completely alone with little or no support. Even in those moments of feeling totally alone and abandoned, I know that My God stood with me. Today, as I look back, I can see that God stood with me, and He brought me out victorious.
– Psalm 118:7 ‘Yes, the LORD is for me…’ (NLT)
– Romans 8:31 ‘If God is for us, who can ever be against us?’
– Right now the Lord is standing with you, so speak it out and say: ‘My God will stand with me!’
– Philippians 4:19 ‘And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.’
– Our needs are important to God.
– The picture, in the original Greek language, of supplying our needs is of the filling up something that is empty.
– The Lord sees our needs as a vessel that He can fill up with His provision, His love, and His kindness towards us.
– He knows every need, every hope, every desire, every longing, and every dream.
– Meeting needs is part of the very nature and character of God.
– Matthew 6:30 ‘And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly care for you.’
– Matthew 6:32 ‘Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.’ (NLT)
– So, just know that those needs that you are concerned about are things that God wants to do something about, He wants to come and fill that empty bucket.
– He is the One Who says we should pray and say: ‘Give us this day our daily bread…’
– Ask Him to give you those things that you need right now!
– Psalm 37:25 ‘Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread.’
– Say with me: ‘My God will supply all my needs!’
– Psalm 57:3 ‘My God will send forth His unfailing love and faithfulness.’ (NLT)
– In His great love for us, the Lord wants to send forth His unfailing love, His mercy, His truth, and His faithfulness into our lives and into our situations.
– Perhaps you have had a picture, in your heart and mind, of God standing in judgement over you? Well, it is time to see your God in a different light, in the correct light.
– He is waiting to dispatch His lovingkindness and tender mercies to you.
– He wants to dispense His unfailing love and His faithfulness into your life and into your heart.
– Your God loves you and He wants you to know and experience His faithfulness in every area of your life.
– If you’ve given up hope, it is time to pick up your hope out of the ashes and present it to your Heavenly Father, expecting His love and kindness towards you.
– 1 John 3:1 ‘See what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us, that we would be named and called and counted the children of God!’
– His incredible love is calling out to you, His child, and telling you that you are loved, valued, and can expect Him to be faithful to you.
– Say with me: ‘My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness into my life and situation.’
– From today on, may you know, like never before, His great love and faithfulness towards you!
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