– What a joy it is to know that we can have a relationship with the Lord.
– In that relationship, we can talk to Him (prayer) and He can speak to us.
– We can spend time together with our Saviour and know and feel His presence in our lives.
– In Exodus 19, we see how Moses would have regular interaction and he would meet with God.
– Moses would speak to Him, and He would speak to Moses.
– It was during these times that the Lord handed down His instructions and plans to Moses, and through him, to the nation of Israel.
– Because of what Christ has done, we too can have a relationship with the Lord.
– The way has been opened, the veil has been torn and we can enter in and have fellowship with the Lord.
– Exodus 19:3 (TLB) ‘Moses climbed the rugged mountain to meet with God…’
– I love the phrase: ‘To meet with God!’
– As you read these notes, may you discover the joy and privilege of meeting with Him!
– Man was created by the Lord to have relationship and fellowship with Him.
– We were created to bring glory to God and to enjoy Him forever.
– We were also created to ‘enjoy Him forever’ and this speaks of an ongoing relationship.
– God’s love for us and His desire for relationship with us, precedes our love and desire for relationship with Him.
– 1 John 4:19 ‘We love Him because He first loved us.’
– God stepped out into creation and created man, and the whole purpose was fellowship, interaction, and relationship, based on love.
– 1 John 4:10 ‘And love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.’
– When Moses went up the mountain to meet with God, the Lord was already there, waiting for him.
– Exodus 19:3 (TLB) ‘Moses climbed the rugged mountain to meet with God, and from somewhere in the mountain God called to him…’
– I believe that God is calling to you today. He is saying: ‘Come up here, I want to spend time with you, I want to know you and be known by you!’
– Exodus 19:4 (TLB) ‘You have seen… how I brought you to Myself as though on eagles’ wings.’
– He is drawing you today, to Himself, so that you can know a living, vital, relationship with Him.
– Do not hold back, go up and meet with Him for yourself!
– The Lord wants to touch and use each of our lives in a special and wonderful way.
– It is said that God loves us just as we are, but He loves us too much just to leave us the way we are.
– He wants to intersect our lives with His presence, and to speak comfort, encourage, bring hope, give direction, provide reassurance, help us, and supply vision to our lives.
– He wants to show us which way to go and which path to take.
– He wants to remind us of His greatness, and His great love for us.
– Exodus 19:3 (TLB) Moses climbed the rugged mountain to meet with God, and from somewhere in the mountain God called to him and said, ‘Give these instructions to the people of Israel.’
– Notice that Moses climbed the mountain. He made an effort, to get to God, and the Lord was already there, calling him. Then Moses received his purpose and the vision and instructions from the Lord. Moses relayed what He had received to the people, and they received it.
– Exodus 19:8 They all responded in unison, “We will certainly do everything He asks of us.” Moses reported the words of the people to the Lord.
– The purpose of his meeting with God was to listen and to hear.
– It resulted in a unity of heart and purpose.
– It was not an opportunity for an alternative agenda or selfish ambition.
– We meet with the Lord in order to encounter, experience, and receive from Him.
– Before this meeting could take place, Moses and the people had to prepare themselves.
– The people had to prepare themselves for meeting with God.
– Their hands, their hearts and their clothes had to be clean.
– They had to be ready, and once they were ready that could go out with confidence and awe, to see, listen, and hear.
– Exodus 19:17 ‘Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.’
– We have to consecrate ourselves.
– We have to make sure that there is nothing that is standing in the way of our relationship with the Lord.
– We have to deal with all the ‘dirt’ or sin in our lives so that we can approach the Lord with no hindrances or blockages.
– Sometimes people will tell me that it feels like their prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. Perhaps this is because there is still some un-dealt with issue, or there is still some un-surrendered aspect of their lives that needs to be turned over to God, so that there can be a clear channel between us and the Lord.
– This is what is required of us, so that nothing stands between us and the Lord.
– Do not let there be any unfinished business in your life. Don’t allow there to be any ‘no-go zones’ in your life. Surrender it all to Him, repent of that which needs to be repented of, set aside time to be alone with the Lord, and get ready to meet with Him.
– Meeting with God is always a sacred moment.
– It is for this reason that when we meet with Him, things change.
– It is never a casual encounter, it is usually life-changing, as He comes and lifts burdens and gives us the love, acceptance, and guidance that we need.
– Exodus 19:19b (TLB) ‘Moses spoke and God thundered His reply.’
– Exodus 19:20 ‘So the Lord came down upon the top of Mount Sinai and called Moses up to the top of the mountain, and Moses ascended to God.’
– This is perhaps the best definition of a meeting with God. It reminds me of a great scripture: James 4:8 ‘Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.’
– Can you imagine spending time in the very presence of God?
– Imagine being shut off from all outside distraction, no TV, no social media, no responsibilities, just God, and you with God.
– Perhaps He has a Divine Appointment with you?
– These sacred moments can happen occasionally, and on an on-going basis.
– As we develop our relationship with Him, He will come to us, and this wonderful aspect of our relationship can become a living, daily, reality in our lives.
– We can know the pleasure of this secret place and these sacred moments between us and the ‘Lover of our Souls’.
– Exodus 34:29 ‘When Moses came down from Mount Sinai…, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD.’
– Moses had been speaking with the Lord.
– The purpose of meeting with God is to talk to the Lord and know that He hears us, and for us to hear what He wants to say.
– This is life-changing experience and lifestyle.
– Some years ago, I heard a song that touched my heart. It spoke about how we need interaction with God, and we need to hear His direction and word to us.
– One word from the Lord, coming out of our relationship with Him, can change everything.
– Here is the song:
We don’t need another political uprising
We don’t need another conqueror on the scene
What we need is a special word, that will bond within our hearts
And give us direction from above
We need a word from the Lord
A word from the Lord
Just one word from the Lord
Will move (or remove) all the doubts
And cause the sun to shine
And give peace of mind
Oh, Speak Lord, speak…
– We can come to God angry, desperate, disturbed and concerned and we can leave happy, purposeful, free from doubt, filled with peace of mind and heart, and the sun can shine again in our hearts and lives.
– When Moses came down from the mountain, there was something physically different about him.
– He had been changed by the experience, and the skin on his face was shining. People were even afraid to come near him.
– His countenance had changed and that made others uncomfortable.
– Exodus 34:30 ‘…his (Moses) face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him.’
– Exodus 34:33 ‘When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face.’
– Meeting with God changes us!
– Perhaps you are asking the question: ‘Is this a possibility for me, or is it reserved for some special person?’
– The truth is that this type of relationship with God is available to all His sons and daughters.
– As a child of God, it can be your joy and privilege.
– The key is, pure hearts, clean hands, right living and a longing or a desire to enter into this type of heavenly relationship with your living God.
– Psalm 24:3-5 ‘Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God their Saviour.’
– You see, Jesus is the way to this intimate and special meeting with God.
– John 10:27 ‘My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.’
– Ephesians 2:18 ‘Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us.’
– All of us, children of God, can come to the Father.
– Hebrews 4:16 ‘So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.’
– Its for you, my friend.
– Do not settle for anything less.
By Pastor Andrew Roebert
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