When God doesn't make sense
THE BETRAYAL BARRIER – this is a very interesting concept. Dr. James Dobson coined this phrase. He said that there comes a time in everyone’s life when they face a situation that does not make sense. In this time they begin to feel that even God has deserted them. A wall that we face when we […]
What people in the Bible faced
I found a very interesting scripture concerning the life of one of the great Apostles. The Apostle Paul was a man who was mightily used by God, BUT he also had to face things that did not make sense. 2 Corinthians 4:8 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but not crushed and broken. […]
You are not alone
We often feel that we are the only ones that have to face things that we cannot understand. We sometimes think that other people are so fortunate and that everything seems to work out for them and we have to face so many things that leave us asking the questions; ‘why me Lord?’But you are […]
When things don't make sense
We all face those things that leave us with questions. In the course of life we have to go through different and challenging situations and we wonder why. Often times, things do not seem to make sense. This leads us to ask the question ‘why?’ Why did this happen or why did we have to […]