Being kind
So you want to be blessed? Be kind to others. Sometimes we can be very judgmental and often times we have no idea about what others are going through. We need to be kind to everybody, because everyone is going through a hard time in some way or another. Psalm 41:1 God blesses those who are…
Taking refuge in God
What do you take refuge in? What is it that you run to when difficulties and problems confront you? I have met many men who take refuge in their careers and jobs. Perhaps there are problems at home or in their marriages, so they sink themselves into their jobs working harder and spending more and more…
Sin is a momentary pleasure
If we will steer clear of sin and wrong we can also expect God’s blessing on our lives. Sin has a way of robbing us of what God wants to bless us with. Sin is a momentary pleasure that robs us of the lasting joys that God has for us. Isaiah 56:2 blessed is the man who…
So you want to be blessed?
So you want to be blessed? We all want God’s blessing on our lives. We all want to experience blessing in the different aspects of our lives. God wants to bless us. But what can we do to enjoy God’s blessing? The Bible gives us several clues to being blessed. TRUSTING GOD If we want to be blessed we…
Our motivation for doing good
There is a reward and we should never forget this. The reward the Bible speaks of is a harvest. There are laws that govern harvest. We reap only what we have sown. We reap the same things as what we have sown. We reap in a different season to the season in which we have…
Why should we not get weary in doing good? (Part 2 of 2)
Because it will bring a sense of fulfillment into our lives. The Bible tells that it is better to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: ‘It is more…
Why should we not get weary in doing good? (Part 1 of 2)
Because we were designed and created by God to do this. He gave us the ability and tools to be able to make a difference in the world. We would not be told to do it if we did not have the capacity for it. It is part of God’s very own nature and character that has…
What is it that makes us weary of 'doing good'? (Part 3 of 3)
‘Doing good’ with no results can make us weary. If you are doing good and all your effort seems to bring no immediate results we can often get discouraged. Imagine exercising and seeing no results – how long would you continue? The results of doing good can sometimes take a long time before we see them. It’s…
What is it that makes us weary of 'doing good'? (Part 2 of 3)
‘Doing good’ usually calls for sacrifice. I remember my own father. He did not earn a great salary but he provided for us. He would sacrifice so that we could get new clothes. He would wear his suits for many years and did not demand new clothes for himself but made every effort to ensure…
What is it that makes us weary of 'doing good'? (Part 1 of 3)
Perhaps we wonder if we should be doing it. We can doubt the legitimacy of what we are doing. We may ask ourselves should I be doing this and why am I doing this? We may not have the same conviction that we started out with. When we get to this point it is difficult not to get…