God Wants To Make Us Fruitful

GOD WANTS TO MAKE US FRUITFUL I like this aspect because it makes it so easy. We do not have to produce our own fruit.It is a natural outflow of being connected to God. Leviticus 26:9 I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep…

The Blessing of Being Fruitful

FRUITFUL IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE But you may say, ‘If you knew my circumstances you would understand why I cannot produce fruit.’ Perhaps you have a boss who is destroying you. Perhaps you have a spouse who is undermining you. Perhaps you have to live in a situation that makes fruitfulness difficult. But God wants us…

Connected To The Vine

CONNECTED TO THE VINE But how is this possible? How can we be fruitful Christians? It starts with a vital, living connection to the vine. Jesus tells us that He is the vine and we need to be connected to Him. This is the only way in which we can produce fruit. John 15:4 Take…

Being Fruitful!

I know that we all desire to be fruitful people. Fruitfulness we see as an important aspect in the Bible. But how can we be fruitful? We are going to look at this all-important aspect. John 15:16 You didn’t choose me! I chose you! I appointed you to go and produce lovely fruit always. This […]

Being Fruitful!

I know that we all desire to be fruitful people. Fruitfulness we see as an important aspect in the Bible. But how can we be fruitful? We are going to look at this all-important aspect. John 15:16 You didn’t choose me! I chose you! I appointed you to go and produce lovely fruit always. This…

Jesus In Us Is Our Hope

JESUS IS THE ONE WHO GUARANTEES LIFE. Corrie Ten Boom – Life in the concentration camp. She discovered life in the midst of death. Colossians 3:3 ‘Your life is now hidden with Christ in God.’ This is the greatest security that we can ever know. Regardless of what may come our way we can experience […]

Jesus In Us Is Our Hope

JESUS IS THE ONE WHO GUARANTEES LIFE. Corrie Ten Boom – Life in the concentration camp. She discovered life in the midst of death. Colossians 3:3 ‘Your life is now hidden with Christ in God.’ This is the greatest security that we can ever know. Regardless of what may come our way we can experience…

Jesus Is The One Who Sustains The Life He Gives Us

I REALLY WANT THIS LIFE. I believe that we all want this life. Why would we not want this full and satisfied life? John 1:4 ‘In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.’ This life that God has for us, is like light in a dark place. The fact that God…

A Full And Satisfied Life Is Possible

A FULL AND SATISFIED LIFE IS POSSIBLE. The answer is YES. It is possible. Jesus made it possible for each one of us. John 10:10 ‘I (Jesus) have come that they may have life and have it to the full.’ I believe that this can become a reality. As Jesus becomes our life, this promise…

A Satisfied Life

Many people long for this type of life. A full life where they enjoy satisfaction. However, it is illusive. Is there any hope of any real satisfaction in this life? This is the question that many people ask. The answer is YES! The answer is in Jesus. As Jesus becomes the beginning and the end […]


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