We Live Because Of The Lord

DAVID UNDERSTOOD THIS Psalm 139:7-12 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far…

Never Far, Just Another Dimension

It is great to know that we can always have the Lord near to us. He is here now and wherever we go, He is there. There is no place where He is not and no point is nearer to Him than any other point. Nobody is any further from Him or closer to Him…

A Sure Foundation That Will Not Be Moved

A SURE FOUNDATION FOR YOUR TIMES Life is a series of seasons and times through which we pass. Each season has its own challenges and difficulties. Trouble is a part of life. It is not a matter of if we have trouble but rather a matter of when we have trouble. If the foundation is…

What Does It Mean To Trust?

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO TRUST? To trust in God can be described in several ways. 1. To place our confidence in God. To be confident in God. 2. To depend on God. 3. Trust also speaks of the future and things that are not yet a reality and as such trusting God includes the…

Trusting The Sure Foundation

TRUSTING THE SURE FOUNDATION Not only do we have to build on a sure foundation but we must also trust the foundation to carry us. When we build a wall upon a foundation, that wall relies fully on the foundation to hold it up and carry it. It does not try to carry itself or…

God Has Provided A Sure Foundation

BUILDING ON A SURE FOUNDATION Building on a sure foundation brings lasting results. On a trip to England I visited a cathedral that was built 1000 years ago. It is a magnificent structure that dominates the entire landscape and had done so for centuries. This is how it is with our lives. If we build…

If The Foundation Is Sure We Can Be Sure

BUILDING ON SAND SPELLS DISASTER When we build on anything less than a sure foundation it has the potential to collapse and fall around us. This can be applied to life, marriage, business, careers and families. The Bible tells us to build on something that is not sure is foolish! Matthew 7:26 – 27 But…

A Sure Foundation In Which We Can Trust

We all need a sure foundation in our lives on which we can build. We need to know that what we are building is not in vain. God has provided a firm foundation for us on which to build our lives. If we hold to this foundation we will stand regardless of the winds and…

Faith Works

HOLDING ONTO OUR FAITH Sometimes we do get discouraged and loose hope. This is something we all have to pass through. Luke 8:25 Then he asked them, “Where is your faith?” But no matter what we may be going through we must not let go of this vital and integral part of our Christian lives….

Faith Pleases God

FAITH PLEASES GOD God is looking for faith in people. Again and again in scripture we see how important faith is. We need this active faith in our lives. When God sees active faith, it pleases Him. Hebrews 11:6 You can never please God without faith, without depending on him. Anyone who wants to come […]


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