God can use what you're going through

We often wonder why we are going through certain things. We may even feel that we do not understand why God is allowing us to go through such trials and challenges. These are questions that good people often ask. In the course of life we do face many issues, challenges and problems and in all these cases […]

The fear of God

Often times it is our fears that get the greatest amount of attention from our hearts and minds.  Fear, with its debilitating influence should not be given the first place in our lives.    If we can know God and His presence in our lives we can have the balance restored and fear Him and not […]

No need for fear when God is near

Fear is different for different people. Some people fear crime and violence. Others fear death. Other people fear financial failure or disaster. Still others fear rejection. Another fear is the loss of a loved one. For these people this fear is very real. Fear can paralyze us. The saying goes: ‘Paralyzed with fear’. But God does not want us to fear.  God […]

Practical steps to freedom from fear

Perhaps you are battling with fear.  The follow steps may be helpful to you. 1.Identify the area and the cause of the fear. 2. Acknowledge it and repent of the fear. 3. Take a quality decision to break with it. – God can only free you from your enemies. 4. Accept as a fact that…

Practical steps to freedom from fear

Perhaps you are battling with fear.  The follow steps may be helpful to you. 1.Identify the area and the cause of the fear. 2. Acknowledge it and repent of the fear. 3. Take a quality decision to break with it. – God can only free you from your enemies. 4. Accept as a fact that […]

Free from fear

CONSTANTLY THINKING ON THE NEGATIVE PRODUCES FEAR IN US If we keep focusing on the negative it becomes the object of our imagination.  Then fear can run amok in our minds and hearts. Watching the news can be a source of negativity.  The kind of information that we are exposed to can be a ‘hot-bed’ […]

Choose not to fear

I WILL NOT FEAR WHAT OTHERS FEAR I have found that fear can spread like a wildfire.  It takes just one person to experience something and fear can penetrate entire communities.  We can get to the point where we fear whatever is going around.  Fear is contagious.  Others instill their fears in us and we […]

We gain nothing by worrying

Fear and worry do not help us. They only make life more difficult and they rob us of a full life. Luke 12: 25 – 26 And besides, what’s the use of worrying? What good does it do? Will it add a single day to your life? Of course not! And if worry can’t even […]

As we approach the end of time, fear will become a major issue

Luke 21:26-27 Men will faint from terror/fear, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud. Try and picture the scene…  Things are changing, things that never moved are moving.  This will be a time […]

Everyday fears

FEARS WITHIN Often times we are facing hidden fears.  These are fears within our hearts that others do not know and do not even realise we are battling with.  A parent may have fears concerning their children, and the children have no knowledge of this fear.  An employer may have fears concerning the state of […]


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