You can feel secure

Security is something everyone is looking for. People want to feel secure in their jobs. People want to feel secure in there homes. People want to feel secure in their relationships. Security is a sought after commodity. But real security cannot be found in the things that life offers us. True security can only be…
The story of Joseph Part 3 of 3
ONLY GOD! It was during this time that Joseph began to understand that only God could help him. He could not rely on his family. They had betrayed him and they did not even know that he was alive let alone in prison. He could not rely on his influence and position because he had…
The story of Joseph Part 2 of 3
REJECTION Joseph experienced rejection – his brothers rejected him. God had given Joseph two dreams and as a result his brothers turned on him and rejected him. His father, who dearly loved him, had given him and coat of many colors. As a result of this favour, his brothers hated and rejected him. He was rejected…
The story of Joseph Part 1 of 3
One of the greatest figures on Old Testament history is Joseph. Joseph went from prison to throne in one day and became the ruler of the then known world, from where he influenced world affairs and saved a nation and his nation. There is no greater success story. It is a rags to riches tale….
Life is not fair
Life is not fair. Bill Gates said “Life is not fair – get used to it!’ Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us. Things don’t work out like we had hoped or planned. Things go wrong! We often end up doing things we regret. But in all these things we can know the God…
You can press through
This has been an encouragement to me. You and I can press through and take hold of what God has in store for us. There is a story in the New Testament about a lady who was determined to press through the crowd and take hold of that which God had for her. You and…
You can call on the Lord and believe
Often times we think that we must figure our own way out of any trouble we may be facing. There is an alternative. You can call upon God. Psalm 50:14 call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me. Notice what it says ‘IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE’…
You can turn to God
When the things that you are facing become too much you can run to God. God is not a crutch, but He is the one who wants to help us. He wants to help you today! Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my fort where I can enter and be safe; no one can follow me…
Divine intervention
When we face difficulty and challenge we find it difficult to praise God. Sometimes we need God to step in first because the things we are facing are robbing us of our ability to respond. Perhaps you are in a situation like this today? Psalm 9:14 Save me, so that I can praise You publicly…
You can do all things
Sometimes life can become very challenging. We are often confronted with difficult situations and at times we even have to make difficult decisions. As we face these types of things it is wonderful to know that God wants to be with us and wants to help us each step of the way. Think for a moment about…