Praising God sets us up for the supernatural
As we begin to praise the Lord we shift the focus, from our problems and onto God. As Paul and Silas took their hopeless situation and began to use it as an opportunity to praise and worship God – God began to work on their behalf and cause a miracle to take place. The result…
How to handle difficult times
If we know how to handle the difficult times it will help us get through such times. The Bible is full of examples of people who lived through difficulties and challenge and overcame. Paul and Silas are such an example to us. They have had been falsely accused, Publicly tried, Beaten, Sent to jail, Placed…
God is still in control
Imagine what it must have felt like for Paul and Silas. Imagine what they felt like during the process. Imagine what they felt like being dragged before the court. Imagine what they felt like being beaten. Imagine what they felt like being thrown in jail. Imagine what they felt like being in stocks. (Acts 16:16-18)…
We all face challenges and difficulties
Each day things can happen that are beyond our control. Paul and Silas were going around doing good, and they got problems for it. Acts 16:16-18 As we were on our way to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who was possessed by a spirit of divination [claiming to foretell…
Being an overcomer in times like these
There is so much going on in the world today. There is so much insecurity and instability. The Lord had been speaking to me about ‘TRUSTING HIM’ and I never realized to what degree people would be called upon to trust Him. We have got high oil prices, high interest rates, high inflation, high crimes rates and…