What you are going through can bring you to a place of trusting God

Often times the issues come because we do our own thing. We do not allow God to lead us and guide us. And as a result we end up with problems. When we trust in ourselves and in our own abilities we are setting ourselves up for a problem. God wants us to trust Him and trust Him…

God uses what we go through

God uses the problems that we are facing to be able to work in our lives. Primarily God is interested in our hearts. We need to respond wisely to the issues that life brings our way and not get into a reactionary mode. Sometimes one problem can lead to a new solution that could change our lives. One…

God can use what you're going through

We often wonder why we are going through certain things. We may even feel that we do not understand why God is allowing us to go through such trials and challenges. These are questions that good people often ask. In the course of life we do face many issues, challenges and problems and in all these cases…

Choose to trust God

We must never limit God.  He is able and will deliver you! Psalm 27:3 Yes, though a mighty army marches against me, my heart shall know no fear! I am confident that God will save me. If you had a mighty army marching against you, you would have reason to fear. But as we begin to…

God wants to take care of us, He knows our needs

This is a great promise. God knows our situations. He knows the kinds of fears you and I battle with. And He wants to be the one who takes care of us. Matthew 10:29 – 31 Not one sparrow (What do they cost? Two for a penny?) can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And…

The fear of God

Often times it is our fears that get the greatest amount of attention from our hearts and minds.  Fear, with its debilitating influence should not be given the first place in our lives.    If we can know God and His presence in our lives we can have the balance restored and fear Him and not…

No need for fear when God is near

Fear is different for different people. Some people fear crime and violence. Others fear death. Other people fear financial failure or disaster. Still others fear rejection. Another fear is the loss of a loved one. For these people this fear is very real. Fear can paralyze us. The saying goes: ‘Paralyzed with fear’. But God does not want us to fear.  God…

Do not fear! God will help you

Listen to what we hear over and over again, in the Bible, something that God said repeatedly:  DO NOT FEAR! Joshua 8:1 Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Don’t be afraid or discouraged. Judges 6:23 “It’s all right,” the Lord replied. “Don’t be afraid! You shall not die.” Isaiah 41:13 I am holding you by…

Free from fear

CONSTANTLY THINKING ON THE NEGATIVE PRODUCES FEAR IN US If we keep focusing on the negative it becomes the object of our imagination.  Then fear can run amok in our minds and hearts. Watching the news can be a source of negativity.  The kind of information that we are exposed to can be a ‘hot-bed’…

It will be worth it all when we see Jesus

This was one of my own earthly Father’s quotes: ‘It will be worth it all when we see Jesus’ – Pastor Ed Roebert, 17 November 1991 You may be hesitant to let God use you, BUT it will all be worth it when you see Jesus. Perhaps you have been used by God, but now you are…


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