It will be worth it all when we see Jesus
This was one of my own earthly Father’s quotes: ‘It will be worth it all when we see Jesus’ – Pastor Ed Roebert, 17 November 1991 You may be hesitant to let God use you, BUT it will all be worth it when you see Jesus. Perhaps you have been used by God, but now you are […]
Don’t hold back – MOVE!
In Psalm 74 we read how destruction came to Israel. God appeared to be doing nothing to stop the onslaught. The Psalmist writes in Psalm 74:11 ‘Why do You hold back Your hand, Your right hand? Take it from the folds of Your garment and destroy them!’ God, of course, had not dropped them. But this scripture […]
God uses the unlikely
God has unusual qualifications for people who He uses. What may be the requirements that the world has, often times means little to God. God is in the business of using those people who are unlikely candidates. I am so glad about this, because this means that God can use me. 1 Corinthians 1:27 But God […]
Believe that God is with you and believe that He wants to use you
Gideon was a man in the Bible who did not believe much in himself. He was an insignificant man and he knew it. There was a patheticness about him. Judges 6:14-16 The LORD turned to him (Gideon) and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending […]
What you think about yourself does not change God's purposes for you
Read 1 Kings 3:1-13 Often we allow what we think about ourselves to stop God’s purposes for us. The great Solomon of the Bible seemed to think he was inferior and ill-prepared for what God had planned for him. 1 Kings 3:7 ‘I am like a little child who doesn’t know his way around.’ He may have […]
God is ready to use you
Many people long to be used by God. Yet many people find this aspect illusive. But God is ready to use you. Perhaps it starts when God calls us to increase in our effectiveness. Many times, before God uses us, we go through a process of stripping, when things seem to go anywhere but where […]