God's grace is sufficient for you!
Even the great Apostle Paul faced challenges. He called it his ‘thorn in the flesh’. He asked God to remove this hindrance on three occasions, but it seems that this was not to happen. God said this to him: 2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made […]
What we go through can bring us to a place of maturity
Although we might not like to admit it, problems play a role of bringing us to a place of maturity. Here we see a clear parallel between real life and the things we go through. A child comes to maturity as it faces life’s challenges and moves on. For the moment we may be facing difficulty, but […]
What we go through can be an opportunity for God
Sometimes it is only when we have problems that we turn to God for help. When everything is going well we tend to sail along without allowing the Lord to lead and guide us. God wants to lead and guide you. When trouble comes it causes us to return to God and call on Him in our situation […]
What you are going through can bring you to a place of trusting God
Often times the issues come because we do our own thing. We do not allow God to lead us and guide us. And as a result we end up with problems. When we trust in ourselves and in our own abilities we are setting ourselves up for a problem. God wants us to trust Him and trust Him […]
God uses what we go through
God uses the problems that we are facing to be able to work in our lives. Primarily God is interested in our hearts. We need to respond wisely to the issues that life brings our way and not get into a reactionary mode. Sometimes one problem can lead to a new solution that could change our lives. One […]
God can use what you're going through
We often wonder why we are going through certain things. We may even feel that we do not understand why God is allowing us to go through such trials and challenges. These are questions that good people often ask. In the course of life we do face many issues, challenges and problems and in all these cases […]