Right attitudes in every area of our lives

THESE RIGHT ATTITUDES MUST FILTER THROUGH INTO EVERY AREA OF OUR LIVES! Reading through the Sermon on the Mount soon reveals that Jesus covered many important issues as He preached: He spoke about RIGHTEOUSNESS. Matthew 5:17-20 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish…

When our attitudes are right our impact will be great

After listing the BE-BLESSED ATTITUDES Jesus presents the first of about twenty kingdom principles: The Principle of INFLUENCE! Matthew 5:13-16  “You are the SALT of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under foot by…

Be-blessed attitudes

  Let me summarise these eight Be-Blessed Attitudes and at the same time recognise that I have leaned heavily on Dr R. Schuller’s paraphrasing.   1. THE HUMBLE MAN SAYS, I NEED HELP, I CANNOT DO IT ALONE! Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 2. I’M REALLY HURTING,…

Living with the right attitude

The Sermon on the Mount was addressed by Jesus TO HIS DISCIPLES! Matthew 5:1 Therefore, all followers of Christ are to adopt this sermon as there mandate for living! The first section of this sermon lists the BEATITUDES!  Matthew 5:1-12 This word does not occur in the English Bible but comes from the Latin translation called…

The golden rule is the essence of the sermon on the mount

If we take time to study The Golden Rule in the light of it’s context in the Sermon on the Mount [Matthew chapters 5-7] we will realise the following: “DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO TO YOU!” The first word of this Golden Rule places us in the realm of action!  “DO!”…

The golden rule

Jesus gives us The Golden Rule in Matthew 7:12. [NIV] “IN EVERYTHING, DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO TO YOU!” Most of us would like people to apply this rule to us! Most of us would like to live by this rule! For, in so doing, barriers are broken down and relationships…


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