Our lives need a rudder

A rudder only has an effect when we use it. James 3:4 Take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. A rudder uses the prevailing circumstances to change the direction or course of…

What it means to be rudderless

To be rudderless is to have no rudder.  When we speak about being rudderless it means we are lacking in direction, control, or coherence. For example, we speak about the confused and rudderless markets.  What we mean is that the markets are going no-where.  It means we are aimlessly drifting, adrift, afloat, directionless, planless or…

Living with direction

Do you live a life that has direction and purpose?  Or do you live a ‘rudderless’ existence.  You are designed to live life with purpose and destiny.  God created each one of us to live with purpose and destiny coursing through our veins.  It is for this reason that when we resort to living life…

You are going to be alright

God’s plan is that we would ‘FIND’ Him and know Him! Jeremiah 29:13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I love the phrase – ‘You WILL find Me’.  We need to SEEK Him and LOOK for Him earnestly….

God is your source of HOPE

God wants to be a constant source of hope in our lives.  His plans for our lives include giving us HOPE!  HOPE is an essential aspect in our lives. Jeremiah 29:11–13 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in…

How can I live with expectation?

Here are a few simple ways it which this can become a reality in your life: Ask God to give you a fresh spirit of expectation. Spend time in God’s word, it produces faith and that in turn produces expectancy. Begin to declare your expectancy, because everything starts with words. Take up the challenge and…

We need a fresh spirit of expectation

AW Tozer wrote: ‘We need today a fresh spirit of anticipation that springs out of the promises of God.’ Faith and expectation work together. Hebrews 11:1 Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see. (God’s Word Translation) When you live with expectancy your faith has the…

We must declare war on non-expectancy!

AW Tozer wrote that ‘We must declare war on the mood of non-expectation, and come together with childlike faith.’  When we no longer have expectation, we stop growing.  We can never afford to stop growing! I was recently reading a book on personal growth. In this book the author looked at four signs that we…

Expectation is 'looking forward'!

There are two aspects to expectation: 1. It is future orientated. You can’t be expectant for the past.  It has this future orientated dimension.  So it does not matter where you come from or what you have been through.  In a sense we are all back to the beginning when it comes to the future…

Never give up on your expectation and confidence in God

My father was a Pastor of a wonderful church. The church grew from 90 members to 6500 members under his ministry. During his ministry it was prophesied that his ‘congregation’ would reach 20 000 people. But then he died. I was convinced that the prophetic word was inaccurate as the congregation was only 6500 at…


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