We are called to reproduce
When God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden to “fill the earth,” His very first instruction to them was, “Be fruitful and multiply” [Genesis 1:28]. This was an instruction to reproduce – to bear children. God’s ultimate plan was to “fill the earth”. Ever since that first instruction the…
Influence that moves the clock forward
There is a time for everyone when they do not know Christ as their personal Saviour yet. Some may be far from receiving and others may be close. For some the door of their hearts may be firmly closed and for others it is wide open. Let’s assume that five to twelve is that moment…
We should be like salt
Sometimes we may think that to be an influencer is difficult. We may feel like it is asking too much of us. But the truth is that it should be the most natural thing. The definition says: ‘the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force!’ Notice it says without apparent…
What is influence?
You and I were created for and called to be influencers. We are not here by default or by mistake. We are here by DESIGN and God has called us and destined us to be the influencers in the world today. It is our calling, it is our mission, it is our commission, it is…