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Daily Thought

Your Word for 01 January 2025

Philippians 4:13
‘I can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens me.’

Years ago, my Grandmother painted a picture of the Good Shepherd leaning down over a precipice (cliff) taking hold of a lamb that had got lost and stuck on the side of a mountain. It was a painting that left an impression on my young mind. It reminded me of the lengths that God would go to, to rescue and lift up those who had fallen. Today He wants to come and lift you up. Perhaps you need to be lifted up from a desperate situation. Perhaps you need to be lifted up in your spirit because you are discouraged. Perhaps you find yourself in a deep hole of despair and He wants to come and lift you out of that place of despair. Perhaps you find yourself in a situation where you are utterly overwhelmed and don’t know what to do, and He wants to come and pick you up and make your path secure. Perhaps, everything around you is giving way, and He wants to step in and take you by the hand and lift you out of it. Perhaps the things that gave you a sense of security are no longer there, and your foundation has been eroded or removed, and He wants to come and lift you up. No matter what the nature of your situation is, He is your God, and He wants to come and lift you up. To be lifted up by God means that He steps in and changes our position or status.


Psalm 145:14‘The LORD upholds all who fall and LIFTS UP all who are bowed down.’

People who feel discouraged are very important to the Lord. His desire for us is that we would not be discouraged. To be discouraged is to lack courage and not have the strength to do or face what we have in front of us. Have you ever seen a discouraged person? Sometimes you can even see that their heads are hanging down and their shoulders are drooping. The Lord also sees when we are bowed down and carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. Even if we stumble and fall in the process, He will come and pick us up and lift up our heads so that we can go on in His strength.

Psalm 3:3‘But You, LORD, are a Shield around me, my glory, the One Who lifts my head high.’

If this is how you are feeling, just know that He wants to come and lift you up.

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