Life is a walk! Our Christian lives are a FAITH WALK. John Bunyan wrote the book entitled PILGRIM’S PROGRESS. This is a novel about the progress of the life of a Christian Pilgrim and all the stages and things that must be walked through.
Psalm 138:7 ‘Though I walk in the midst of trouble…’
The issue is that when we are facing times of trouble, we must keep walking. Then it is not the time to stop, lie down and die or give-up. Trouble is not a place at which we set up camp. Trouble is a period that we must move through! We must keep walking! The Bible tells us that we are in a fight and we must fight on!
1 Timothy 6:12 ‘Fight the good fight of the faith.’
We must have a ‘WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER’ attitude.
The joy is that we can know what it means to be revived in the midst of what we are going through.
Psalm 138:7 ‘Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me!’
I sometimes wish God had said: ‘In the midst of trouble I will remove the trouble’. Unfortunately, He does NOT say this. What God does say is that in the midst of trouble He will revive us! What does it mean to be revived? It speaks of living again, being brought back to life. It includes regaining life and being alive again and it speaks of being able to flourish anew. Other versions speak of God preserving our lives and this speaks of being KEPT or GUARDED or MADE SAFE.
– This is what God wants to do for us in our times of trouble.
This is such an encouragement!
Psalm 138:7 ‘You will stretch forth Your hand’
God wants to stretch forth His hand on your behalf. God wants to work in and through your situation. When God’s hand is involved in any way in our lives, something changes. It could be that He will deal with the situation or that He will deliver you. It could be that He will make a way where there seems to be no way.
God’s hand could even restrain things that were destined to destroy you! The issue is that God wants to work on your behalf. It is as we entrust our lives to Him that He can begin to do this for us. Either God works and we rest, or we work and God rests – the decision is ours.
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