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Daily Thought

Your Word for 16 September 2024

Job 5:8
‘If I were you, I would go to God and present my case to Him.’
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David was not hesitant to speak out his need to the Lord. In fact he was very graphic about what he was facing.  He didn’t try to water it down or minimise his challenges.  He spoke of ‘wicked traitors’ and ‘fierce men who conspired against him’.  He spoke of ‘snarling dogs’ and ‘scavengers’, ‘prowling’ and ‘growling’ around him. He was aware of what he was up against and did not hesitate to bring it to the Lord’s attention in graphic and descriptive detail.  It reminds us of the fact that we too have an enemy who would like to see us destroyed. 

1 Peter 5:8 ‘Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.’ 

In the same way we can bring our issues and challenges to the Lord and we can face the truth of things and tell God how we see and experience things. Don’t hesitate to tell the Lord about your area of need.  He is concerned about the drama you are facing.  Step up, speak it out and get it off your chest – the Lord is there for you! 

In the middle section of Psalm 59 we find a key to success, regardless of the odds we may be up against.

Psalm 59:9 ‘I will keep watch (wait) for You, O my strength!’ 

There is a correlation between waiting and receiving strength from the Lord. Our natural human tendency is to rush out and deal with the issue or challenge. Often when the storms of life come our way, we react. I wonder how many opportunities have been lost, I wonder how many doors have closed, because of our reactions in situations and to situations. David was facing the imminent possibility of death and right there in that moment he chooses not to react or retaliate, but he chooses to watch and wait. David knows the problem; he has brought it to the attention of the Lord and now he waits. David is not sure of the outcome, but he waits and watches for God with expectation and anticipation. There are times when we don’t know what will happen, but in those moments, we should watch and wait with faith, until we see what God is doing or is going to do. It is in the waiting, the pausing, the watching, that we can receive strength from Him. (and I dare say: wisdom) Stop the urge to react and vent… watch and wait, His strength will be yours. 

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