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What occupies our minds can bring life or death on us

Daily Thought

Your Word for 16 September 2024

Job 5:8
‘If I were you, I would go to God and present my case to Him.’

beautiful girl enjoying the summer sun outdoors in the park
The input that we receive in our minds plays a very important role in our Christian lives.  We need to control the input.  If we constantly feed our minds with rubbish, we will eventually produce rubbish.  What kind of input is your mind receiving?  What kind of person is it producing?

Romans 8:6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace

Wrong input brings death.  Through wrong input we die on the inside.  Especially towards God.  The great tragedy is that many people are dead on the inside towards God and they don’t even realize it.  The right input brings life.  A mind controlled by the Spirit brings life and peace.  If we desire life and peace then we need to allow the Holy Spirit to control our minds.
Those controlled by their flesh or by their fleshly minds cannot please God.  Such people may think that they are pleasing God.  But this is not the case.

Romans 8:6 Those controlled by the sinful nature (flesh) cannot please God.

I want to one of those who pleases God.
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