It starts with a quality decision. As we determine to put out trust in God.
Psalm 4:5 Put your trust in the Lord
This is both our instruction and our response. We need to place ourselves in this position of trusting God. It can also mean moving in a specific direction of trusting God more and more. We must make this all-important decision. As we trust God, we can know and experience His love for us.
Psalm 32:10 ‘Many sorrows come to the wicked, but abiding love surrounds those who trust in the Lord.’
If we can trust God we can know three things:
- We can know His love.
- We can know his ongoing, lasting and abiding love.
- We can know what it is to be surrounded by His love.
I like this third point. The reward for trusting God includes knowing His surrounding love. This means that we can have God’s love all around us. We can go through life enclosed on all sides by God’s love IF we will learn the lifestyle of trust.
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