You have a Heavenly Father. When Jesus was on the earth He told us about our Heavenly Father. In fact, He taught us how to pray and in this way introduced us to God.
This is how Jesus taught us to pray: It started off with: ‘OUR FATHER, who art in Heaven’. We can approach our Heavenly Father in this way at any time. He is ready and waiting to hear your call or your cry.
Psalm 69:13 I keep right on praying to you, Lord. For now is the time—You are bending down to hear!
With the knowledge that we have a Heavenly Father and knowing the fact that He loves us means that we can shine. We can be confident and bold. As a result others will look and realize that something is different about us and we can tell them that God wants to be their friend too.
Matthew 5:15-16 Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your Heavenly Father.
God wants to answer your request and your prayer.
Luke 11:13 And if even sinful persons like yourselves give children what they need, don’t you realize that Your heavenly Father will do at least as much, and give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for Him?
You have a Heavenly Father who loves you!
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