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Your Creator lives in you

Daily Thought

Your Word for 18 October 2024

Exodus 2:24 CEV
‘God heard their loud cries. He did not forget the promise He had made…’

Pastor Ed RoebertIf you become hard in your spirit towards the Lord, and you no longer allow the Lord to apply the Word to your heart and life, something becomes hard on the inside. This hardness will stop the process of change. Some people have allowed the Lord to begin a change in their lives, but because of the hardness of their heart, have stopped the Lord’s changing process and have allowed themselves to move away from God. They must turn back to the Lord and let Him continue the work of making them into totally new persons.
The new Christian is so changed that others often remark, “What’s happened to you?” Such remarks stem from the fact that they have become new creations new people. But one day a new and surprising discovery is made. You discover that you are not perfect, and that some of your problems have not vanished. A little bit of the old life surfaces and you feel you have taken a step backwards. When that happens, ask for forgiveness, put it under the blood of Jesus, continue to move ahead, and let the Lord continue His process.
As you mature in your Christian life, these problems will not worry you as much as they did previously for the presence of the Lord in your life will make you stronger each day.

1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, AND HAVE OVERCOME THEM, because greater is he (Jesus) that is in you that he (the devil) that is in the world.

Not only are you a new creation but the CREATOR Himself has come to live in you making all things new.

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