God wants each of us to live with hope in our hearts. God makes fresh hope available to each of us. As this divine hope becomes a reality to us, we can in turn become a source of hope to others. Those who are battling with a loss of hope need to be helped by those who are full of hope. If we are connected to the source of hope, God, then we can become a source of hope to those around us. We can play a role in restoring the hope of others.
There is a connection between faith and hope. Mere hope is just an expectation for the best, but faith on the other hand is a belief that God will come through for us and as a result we trust Him.
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.
A. GOD IS THE GOD OF ALL HOPE! He is the source of hope. We need to stay connected to the source of hope. I believe that each one of us is born with a degree of God-given hope. But for that hope to be sustained we need to be connected to the eternal, limitless source of hope – GOD HIMSELF!
B. GOD WANTS TO FILL YOU WITH HOPE! God wants to come right now and fill you with hope, joy and peace. It is almost as if that is exactly what we need, Hope, Joy and Peace. Let Him fill you right now. The glass must not be ‘half-full’ or ‘half-empty’ – it must be consistently full! God has an endless supply of hope that you and I need to tap into.
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.
When we stop trusting God and we begin to doubt and question, hopelessness begins to invade our hearts and minds. So the key to staying connected to the source of hope (God) is to keep on trusting Him. You may say: ‘But you don’t know what I have been through!’ and you are right, but God does and as you trust Him you can begin to expect that He will fill you with hope again. I would like to encourage you to start trusting God all over again!
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