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Daily Thought

Your Word for 06 December 2024

Psalm 34:10
‘Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the LORD will lack no good thing.’

God’s promises are certain. They can be completely depended on. Sometimes when we are awaiting the fulfilment of promises it may seem like it will never happen, but when His time comes, things can move very rapidly.

Hebrews 6:15 ‘Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised.’

God is not a man that He should lie. The human propensity is towards lying. God’s nature is completely different. He has never sinned and never lied and in essence is unable to lie. The Bible tells us that He is truth and as such only speaks truth. Another reason we can trust His promises is because He never changes and He is never confused. Humans constantly change their minds. As situations change or as we age or even as we get more information it leads to the changing of minds on almost every aspect of life. God is not like that. He does not make a decision and then hundreds of years later change the decision because the first one was wrong or not a good decision. He has endless wisdom, so when He speaks and gives us a promise, it is because He has the big picture and knows what is best and does not need to review it! Perhaps you have given up on some of the promises you feel God gave for your life and family? I think it is time to pull them out again and begin to believe and trust Him again and to an even greater degree.


With His blood there is:
1. Atonement.
2. Forgiveness.
3. Reconciliation.
4. Access to God.
5. Victory over sin.
6. Cleansing of sin. (Only His blood can truly wash the stains from our hands!)
7. Victory over the devil.
8. Relationship with God.
9. Peace in death.
10. His blood will spare us the judgement we are due.

Let us trust in the power of His precious blood even more. May we understand and rest in the knowledge of what His blood means in our lives. Because the blood of Jesus was shed, no further blood is required.

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