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Daily Thought

Your Word for 09 January 2025

Matthew 6:33              (NLT)
‘Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.’

The church has and always will be the chosen vehicle of our Saviour. That is how He planned it from the start and nothing has changed His plan over the centuries. We may consider it a flawed and problematic choice, but it remains His choice. He chose the church as His divine vehicle for His body to function within. The Church has stood the test of time and still stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration to many despite the passage of time No better mechanism has ever been successful, although many have tried. You may feel that this is not the best tool that the Lord could have chosen, but that does not change the facts. You may look at the church and see its flaws and weaknesses and its failures over time, but that does not change things. You may have even been hurt or disappointed by the church and as a result think that you are better without it. The truth is that we are never better without God’s plan and purpose for our lives and that includes involvement with and in His church. You may think you know better, but we can never know better than the Creator.


Ephesians 5:26 ‘so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word.’

This takes place through the agent of His love. The church is actually a process and not a destination. I have often heard people say that they are so happy to have found a spiritual home and so happy to have found a church where they feel a sense of belonging and connection, but that is just the start. Once we become part of the church, we have not arrived, we have begun a process. The process involves sanctification. Sanctification is the process of advancing in holiness. It is the process of the believer being progressively transformed by the Lord into His likeness and into similarity of nature with God. Some people would prefer to escape this. I once heard someone say: “If you ever find the perfect church, please don’t join it, because then it won’t be perfect anymore!’ The truth is that the church is full of people who are not perfect but are part of God’s process and plan. Don’t try and escape it. Embrace it, and let Him have His perfect work in your life.

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