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Daily Thought

Your Word for 17 January 2025

Exodus 6:7
‘I will take you as My own people, and I will be your God.’

How awesome it is to know that we have the Lord Who loves and cares for us.
The Bible tells us that He is our Keeper. A keeper is more than just someone who is just there, it is someone who is interested and has our best interests at heart. The Keeper that the Bible is speaking about is like a bodyguard who is watching over you to preserve you. He is your Defender, and He will never abandon you or leave you unaided.

Psalm 121:5-6 ‘The LORD is your Keeper; the LORD is the shade on your right hand. The sun will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.’

Day and night we can rely on His power to save and His mercies to rescue and protect us. Don’t fear the worst but keep believing for the best. Believe that with His help things will work out and that trusting for the best outcome can be the best thing to do.

I once heard a story about a farmer who experienced a fire on his farm. When the fire had done its damage he was walking around frustrated and angry. He noticed a clump of what he thought was burnt grass. He kicked it in frustration, and it was in fact the remains of a burnt dead hen. As he displaced the chicken, out from under her remains ran all her chicks. She had watched over them, paid with her life and now here they were, still alive. It was the beginning of a new start. The Lord will watch over you. He paid the price with the death of His Son on the cross so that we could hide under His protection and come out to a new life and a new opportunity for a fresh start. No matter what you may think the future looks like, He is already there, and He will carry you each and every day. He will watch over you.

Psalm 121:7-8 ‘The LORD will guard you from all evil; He will preserve your soul. The LORD will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore.’

He will guard you, He will preserve you and He will watch over you, right now, tomorrow and every day that lies ahead including throughout all eternity. This must be one of the most reassuring things we could ever know. It all starts as we lift up our eyes above the problems, focus on the One Who wants to help us and then throw ourselves into His eternal and unfailing arms.

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