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Daily Thought

Your Word for 25 October 2024

John 16:33b
‘In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.’

In my interactions with people, I have seen how the struggles that people face affect them. The truth is that we all face challenges and issues that come along life’s path. At this time in history there are many things that can challenge us. As you are reading this you can probably think of some of the things that you are facing at the moment. In all these things you can know that the Lord is with you, He sees you even when you don’t feel seen. The Lord is aware of your specific challenges, and He knows what you are going through. He has not and will not ever abandon or fail you. When it seems like a breakthrough will never come, we can accept His help and turn to Him for the answers we need. I have identified 6 areas that people seem to be struggling with, so let’s look at the answers the Lord has for those situations.

As most of you know, I am a single parent with two daughters. It’s been 5 years since my wife passed away. My hopes and prayers for my daughters is something I carry deep in my heart, and no one really knows or understands this inner and personal struggle I face. When they are doing well, life is good. When they struggle, I carry this weight in my heart. Secret struggles are burdens we carry silently. As a provider you may be secretly concerned about the security of your job. As an individual you may be secretly concerned about your health. A few months ago a friend of mine died after a secret four-year battle with head and neck cancer. He was 45 years old. All around us, every day we are surrounded by individuals who are carrying these burdens that others know nothing about. I once read a quote that said: ‘Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.’ I remember my own mother telling me about two private struggles that she had while I was growing up. The one was that they would not be able to afford to send me to university and the other one was that they would not be able to give me a decent 21st birthday celebration. (Both of these struggles and fears never became a reality, I got my degree and had a great 21st.) The truth is that these secret struggles are very real, but the fear associated with them is often unfounded. The answer from the Lord in this situation is – ‘I KNOW, and I SEE!’ The Lord invites us to come to Him with all our secret struggles so that He can give us rest.

Matthew 11:28 Then Jesus said, ‘Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’

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