Esther 9:1 In the twelfth month, the time came for the king’s command and his decree to be executed. On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them.
Other versions say: ‘It was turned to the contrary!’ (Amplified)
‘Quite the opposite happened!’ (New Living)
‘The tables were turned!’ (NIV)
The story of Joseph continues to be an example here: Joseph said to his brothers when they were finally reunited, ‘WHAT YOU INTENDED FOR EVIL, GOD INTENDED FOR GOOD!’
God will take what was meant for evil and turn it to good.
Genesis 50:20 You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people who are alive today because of what happened.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
God is a God of restoration. He loves to turn situations around. God has a heart for restoration.
Deuteronomy 30:3 The LORD your God will restore your fortunes.
Jeremiah 30:18 Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will release from captivity the tents of Jacob and have mercy on his dwelling places; the city will be rebuilt on its own [old] moundlike site, and the palace will be dwelt in after its former fashion.
Ezekiel 36:11 And I will cause you to be inhabited according to your former estate and I will do better for you than at your beginnings.
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