We are living in interesting times. Many people are facing things that perhaps they never thought they would ever face. The times we live in can be challenging and difficult. Perhaps you are facing a drought of some sort. Perhaps there is some area of your life in which you are not seeing growth and development as you had hoped. Droughts can come in many forms. We can experience a ‘drought season’ in our finances, relationships, business, career, or just emotionally or spiritually. It is hoped that this message will encourage you, no matter what season you may be facing. As you read these notes, there is a prophetic element in them. Perhaps they will be a ‘word from the Lord’ for you, in what you are facing.
The dictionary gives us the following definition: A drought is a period of dryness, especially when prolonged; specifically : one that causes damage or prevents growth. It can also be a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something expected or desired. Just note the following:
- It is a period of dryness.
- It can be short and it can be long or prolonged.
- It causes damage.
- It prevents growth.
- It is associated with a shortage or lack.
- 6. It can also be a time when that which we had expected or hoped for did not materialize.
We all face times like these.
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