You and I are important to God. Because of the fact that we are important to Him, He has no intention of forgetting about us. God has NOT forgotten about you. No matter what you feel, think or believe, God has NOT forgotten you. God tells us in His Word that He will NEVER forget about us. There are so many great confirmations regarding this wonderful fact. The fact is that God will not forget you. May this become a living reality to you today. May you live in the knowledge of the fact that God is thinking about you and will never forget you.
We have God’s Word as our assurance that He will not forget us. This is why we can be confident and have hope in our hearts. Look at the assurance that God gives us.
Hosea 9:9‘The Lord does not forget.’
Let me remind you that God has not and will not forget about you. You can rest in this sure fact.
Not only will God not forget us, but also the Bible tells us that He constantly thinks about us. God is thinking about you constantly.
Psalm 40:17 ‘I am poor and weak, yet the Lord is thinking about me right now!’
Look at this wonderful promise.
Isaiah 49:14-16 Yet they say, ‘My Lord deserted us; He has forgotten us.’ ‘Never! Can a mother forget her little child and not have love for her own son? Yet even if that should be, I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed your name upon My palm.’
You are special and valuable to God. He constantly thinks about you and has no intention of forgetting you!
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