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Daily Thought

Your Word for 12 February 2025

Psalm 63:1
‘You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek You; I thirst for You, my whole being longs for You, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.’

2 Corinthians 5:8 ‘We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.’

Being at home is the most wonderful thing. What does ‘being at home’ mean to you? How do you describe the feeling of ‘being at home’? Here are a few suggestions:

1. A sense of security.
2. The knowledge that you are where you belong.
3. Knowing that you are accepted as you are.
4. Knowing that you are loved.
5. Knowing that you can be yourself.
6. Knowing that your wrongs are forgiven.

It is more than just where you grew up and more than just the place where you sleep. Houses get bought and sold, but a home travels with you. I remember years ago TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) had a slogan that caught my attention. The slogan was ‘COME HOME TO TBN’. I still think this was one of the best concepts they ever came up with. I also remember years ago during my national service going to ‘border duty’ in northern Namibia for 6 months. I recall my home coming after the 6 month tour of duty and the delight and joy to be away from the ‘front’ and ‘at home’ with family and loved ones. I have discovered that some ladies are housewives and others are homemakers and there is a big difference. It is an extraordinary feeling of quality of life and well-being.

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