As a young man I had my life mapped out before me. The course was clear and the destination certain. For a period of about 10-12 years it just seemed as if everything was falling in line with the plan. Even the poor decisions I made, seemed to bring positive results. I was confident and willing to step out and take risks because each step brought good results. Things I had dreamt about became a reality. Then one day there was a turn in events and things changed. Today, I find myself in an utterly different place from what I had been expecting. But through it all, God had me by the hand, and He brought me through it into a place I could never have imagined. I am so thankful that He knew what was best and He brought it to pass. Little did I know that what God had for me was far greater than I could ever have hoped for, for myself.
Psalm 18:36‘You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip.’
Often when things don’t turn out as we had hoped, it is because God has something better in store. If you have been disappointed or if things have not turned out as you had hoped, hold onto His hand and He will make you strong again, and He will take care of you.
Psalm 89:21‘I will steady him with My hand; with My powerful arm I will make him strong.’
The storms of life are those inevitable things we have to pass through. Just as in nature a storm can come out of nowhere and rage around us. I remember my grandmother once telling me about a physical storm she experienced. She lived at the sea in a big old farmhouse and a storm blew in. She was alone and the wind howled, and the rain blew so hard against the windows that it sounded like bullets that were hitting the glass. Eventually she became convinced that the house would not be able to stand it much longer and she began to imagine how she would live in the back section of the house – if that was left standing. In the end the storm passed, and the house was still standing. In the storms of life, we need a strong refuge and place of safety. The Lord wants to be that for you and for me. The Bible contains a great story of a storm that hit the disciples as they were traveling by boat.
Matthew 14:28-32”Lord, if it’s You,” Peter replied, ”tell me to come to You on the water.” ”Come,” He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ”Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. ”You of little faith,” He said, ”why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.
Take note of the fact that the Lord was with them and came to them in the worst of the storm. In the middle of the storm, the Lord allowed a miracle to take place and Peter walked on the water. When the storm became too much and Peter began to sink, Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught Peter. He will do the same for you – don’t doubt, but have faith and believe. The storm will eventually pass, and you will enjoy fellowship with the Lord as you sail on to the next chapter of life.
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