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Daily Thought

Your Word for 22 October 2024

Psalm 103:12
‘As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.’

We are certainly living in challenging and uncertain times. Someone recently wrote to me and asked me why we can’t go back to the way things were in the world, 30 to 50 years ago, when there was law-and-order, fear of God, justice, morals, respect, and all the things which we grew up with as ‘normal’. Although sometimes when we look back, it may appear that things were more stable, more predictable and more manageable, every part of history has had to deal with its own challenges and uncertainties. My grandparents lived through two world wars and a pandemic called the Spanish Flu. Millions of people died, in fact 50 million people died from the Spanish flu and 115 million died between the two world wars – and we think it’s rough now. Our times have their own unique challenges. As we face the challenges of our times, we need to recognise the difficulties, but at the same time we need to stand strong in the Lord and in the knowledge that He will bring us through it. One day, others will look back at us and be amazed that we faced these things and overcame them. If previous generations could live through their challenges, with God’s help, then with His help, we can live through our challenges and come out the other side thriving.


As with everything in life, it involves choices. We can choose to see the positive and believe for the best, or we can throw in the towel, give up, and give in to hopelessness and despair. When we choose to stay positive it changes our mindset in the situation. A positive mindset affects everything in our lives, including our health and wellbeing. Staying positive enhances all areas of life, including productivity, creativity and problem solving. It lower levels of distress and can lead to a longer lifespan. When you focus on the positive you naturally focus less on the negative. Staying positive is about anticipating better outcomes instead of expecting unfavourable outcomes. As we stay positive, we will be able to see the ‘way of escape’ that God promises to provide when we go through difficulty and temptation.

1 Corinthians 10:13 ‘No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His Word – He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out (a way of escape) as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy].’

Perhaps you have been tempted to get discouraged and to become negative, but you don’t need to yield to it, because the Lord will provide a ‘way of escape’ so that in the end you can overcome with joy in your heart. You can do this! You can hold on to your hope and remain positive, because it will be worth it in the end.

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