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Daily Thought

Your Word for 11 October 2024

Psalm 44:5
‘Through You we push back our enemies; through Your Name we trample our foes.’

As God’s son and daughters, we are asked to believe that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. We are asked to believe that God can and will remove the Jericho’s, the obstacles, and the mountains that stand in the way. As a young man I used to enjoy hiking. It was such an enjoyable experience to be out in nature and hike for up to five days. Some hikes were badly designed and you ended up climbing and descending without any recovery time. Other hikes were well designed and you would climb a bit and then follow the contour (the level path) and enjoy a time to recover and see the view, before descending or climbing again. I believe that the path of life that God has prepared for us is well designed. It is designed to be something we can achieve, and with His help, it can be something we will be victorious in. The Bible speaks of ‘the level path of life’ and this is something we can know as a reality in our lives. In order to experience this, mountains will have to be removed.

Proverbs 5:21 ‘For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He maketh level all his paths.’ (English Revised Version)

The Lord wants to teach you and show you the way, if only you will put your hand in His and take hold of it.

Psalm 27:11 ‘Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies [who lie in wait].’

We must never limit what God can do. He is the all-powerful and the almighty God, and nothing is too difficult for Him. As you look at the challenges you are facing, lift up your eyes and look to the One Who is greater than those challenges or issues you are facing, and keep your eyes on Him, and He will bring you through it on the level path that He has prepared for you. In the city in which I live there is a mountain that separates two sections of the city. During the great depression, men were assigned to build, by hand, a roadway up the side of this mountain to create easy access over the mountain and to link the two sections of the city. What was insurmountable became very manageable and still to this day it allows ease of access, and remains a remarkable feat of handmade engineering. What would have required incredible energy to climb, can now be crossed by vehicle in less than a few minutes. The Lord wants to do the same for you. He wants to step in and remove the obstacles that you think will never be overcome. He wants to make a way where there seems to be no way. Don’t limit God, there is no pit or valley deep enough that He cannot fill. There is no mountain high enough that He cannot deal with, and there is no crooked road that He cannot make straight.

Luke 3:5 ‘Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth.’

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