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Daily Thought

Your Word for 22 October 2024

Psalm 103:12
‘As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.’

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 5:24 ‘Enoch walked with God.’

We have this wonderful privilege that we do not need to ‘do life’ alone. Everything is not just up to us. We have a Heavenly Father Who loves and cares for us, and He wants to direct, lead, guide and watch our progress. If we look at this story in the book of Genesis, we see a man by the name of Enoch. Very little is actually known about this man, but what we do know tells us a lot about him.
We know that he walked with God – he enjoyed a living, daily, on-going relationship with the Lord.
There is nothing vague or questionable about how he lived his life, it is clear and unquestionable.
What we do know about this man called Enoch, tells us everything we need to know.
Imagine if people could say this about you: ‘……He/she walks with God!’ It also tells us that this type of relationship with God is a real possibility in our lives. Walking with God should be a lifestyle choice on a daily basis. In all likelihood, Enoch developed this way of living over a period of time. In the end it could be said of him that ‘walking with God’ was his way of living. I believe that we can also develop this aspect of our lives.

The alternative to a lifestyle of walking with God is walking alone. Walking alone may seem like a good idea, but it is not how God designed us to live. When God created Adam in the Garden of Eden, He said: ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.’ God knows that we need companionship and help. I believe we need this on a physical level (with our spouse, friends, and family) but we also need it on a spiritual level (with God). I remember talking to a certain lady years ago. She had had a difficult life. Her father had died suddenly when she was 7 years old and her mother had struggled to raise this large family of about 7 children. It was years later that she married and was unable to have children of her own. Then she lost her own husband at a young age. I remember asking her how she had managed and I will never forget her answer. She said: ‘Oh you don’t have to worry about me, I have broad shoulders!’ Somehow her answer was not comforting. Her answer left me feeling even more sorry for her that she had had to struggle through all these challenges and carry them all on her own shoulders, in her own strength and in her own ability. Perhaps people have let you down and so you prefer to walk alone without their help. But God will never let you down and you can always walk with Him. Don’t walk alone, be like Enoch and walk with God.

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