I believe that God wants you and I to prevail.
To live a life by His strength in which we overcome, walk in victory and prevail. Life has a way of wearing us down or wearing us out, but God wants to come and strengthen and empower us and cause us to prevail.
Yes there is a battle but we can be confident in the fact that we are not alone and God wants to work on our behalf and cause us to be a prevailing people.
It is only with God that we can truly prevail.
We cannot do it in or with our own strength.
But with God we can prevail!
The word prevail is a strange old-fashioned word that we do not use today.
It is a word that is used regularly in the Bible.
The root word meaning of the English word we know as prevail has several meanings.
To prevail means: to have strength, to be strong, to be powerful, to be mighty, to be great.
It can also include: To make strong or strengthen. To confirm and give strength, to confirm (a covenant), to show oneself mighty.
The definition of the word means: To gain ascendancy through strength or superiority, to triumph, to be or become effective or effectual.
Lastly to prevail means to accomplished your purpose.
Acts 19:20 ‘So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.’
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