Relationships are important to God.
How we treat and respond to others is something that God takes notice of.
We cannot get away with treating others incorrectly indefinitely.
We have to remind ourselves that within each human being the ‘breath of God’ resides.
So, we cannot treat others as we like or as we think they deserve.
We have to follow Christ’s example and treat others with the knowledge that His breath is in them.
We should always remind ourselves that we will reap what we have sown.
Our interaction with others, especially other believers, should be done in a way that honours God and His Spirit that lives within them.
This is the challenge to each one of us.
This is an area in each of our lives that needs to change and be constantly aligning with the pattern of Jesus and His love and treatment of others, even in His most difficult and desperate hours.
This is a very practical bit of advice that the Apostle gives us.
James 4:11 ‘Don’t speak evil against each other, dear brothers and sisters.’
It’s not vague or suggestive in any way.
It is direct and instructive and is something we can take hold of and apply to our lives.
‘Speaking evil’ of others comes in many forms and varieties.
It can be as simple as saying unkind things.
At the same time it can include deliberate, intentional and malicious unkind truths and lies.
Speaking evil can include criticism, gossip, backbiting and slander.
A more subtle form of speaking evil is speaking down to others.
In one of its worst form it includes the concept of slander.
Slander is when we actually speak lies or make misrepresentations to damage another person or their reputation.
James 4:11 ‘Brothers, do not slander one another.’
The truth of the matter is that when we engage with these things, we are in effect not submitting to God.
God has given us clear instructions in this regard, and when we rely on our better judgement as opposed to His divine instructions, we step out of line.
To know what the right thing is to do and not to do it, is sin.
We need to challenge ourselves in this area and walk in victory so that we can enjoy God’s blessing and favour on our lives and be a blessing.
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