Blog article

We Need To Develop Out Sensitivity To His Presence

Daily Thought

Your Word for 16 October 2024

Acts 9:3
‘As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly flashed around him.’

We need to develop our sensitivity towards God. In the busyness of life, do we actually know when He is trying to get our attention or if He is present? In the story of Adam and Eve in the garden, there is a verse that speaks about this.
Genesis 3:8 ‘Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as He was walking in the garden…’
I have always loved this verse as it is something special. The Garden of Eden must have been a very large place and Adam and Eve could have wondered off in any direction. But there would come a time in the day when they would ‘hear a certain sound’. They knew this sound so well, because it was the sound of the Lord God as He arrived on the scene for His regular walk with them. Most translations use the word ‘sound’ some use the word ‘voice’, but the original Hebrew indicates both ‘sound’ and ‘voice’. Are we sensitive enough to hear and respond to His ‘sound’ in our lives? Or are we simply too busy and too consumed with the issues of life to know He is calling us into deeper relationship with Him? I desire that I would always be ready to hear His ‘sound’ or His ‘voice’ as He calls out to me to know Him more dearly and to love Him more deeply. It is almost as if we have to ‘tune in’ to get rid of the noise and discern that He is calling to us. Sometimes we are listening to so many voices that it is difficult to discern His ‘sound’ above the din. Remember He has designed you for relationship with Him and He is calling out to you. He comes to different people in different ways. He comes to us if we are saints and He comes to us if we are sinners. Let us be determined that we want more relationship with Him and we will develop our sensitivity to His presence in our lives. Let this be a quality choice and a determined purpose.
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