‘Down at your feet oh Lord, is the most high place.’ This is a line from a song. It is special to me because it captures something of what God wants us to realize. Prayer is just coming to the feet of the One who understands. It is a place of humility. It is a place of dependence. When we come with humility and dependence on God to His feet, we are at the highest place.
Psalm 86:5 O Lord, you are so good and kind, so ready to forgive, so full of mercy for all who ask your aid.
We need the presence of God in our lives. If we sense His presence it makes all the difference. ‘The presence of God is the only thing that matters.’ I really believe this. It is this aspect that makes the difference between prayers that feel like they have God’s attention and prayers that just bounce off the ceiling.
Jeremiah 29:12-13 In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
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