Blog article

The Comfort of God

Daily Thought

Your Word for 12 February 2025

Psalm 63:1
‘You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek You; I thirst for You, my whole being longs for You, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.’

Have you ever needed to know the comfort of God in your life? Perhaps you went through a difficult time or a difficult season and God carried you and comforted you. Perhaps you are facing challenges or hardship and you need the comfort that only God can give. One of the names that is given to God is the ‘God of all comfort’. He wants to comfort and carry us as we face the things that life brings our way. Allow Him to comfort you today!
If we understand what ‘comfort’ is we can understand what God is offering. Comfort is to give strength and bring hope to ease the grief or trouble that someone is facing and to console. It can also mean to alleviate the grief or sense of loss, or trouble of circumstances and situations. The definition, which I really like, is “to strengthen greatly.” This is what God wants to do for us. He wants to come and strengthen us. But He wants to do even more than this. He wants to relieve, refresh, renew, restore and reassure. Perhaps the greatest thing that God wants to do as He comforts us is simply to help us.
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