These men were professional and experienced fisherman. If anyone could have brought success to fishing it would have been them. Professionals can usually bring the greatest opportunity for success.
It is for this reason that when we need help in any area, we will usually seek out the help of a professional. If we are sick we will look for a Doctor, if we are in trouble we will look for a Lawyer, if we need advice we will seek a trained counselor. But human wisdom and human expertise can only take us so far. Sometimes even with a Doctor, or a Lawyer or a Counselor we don’t find what we are looking for. It is then that we need to look to the Great Physician, The Advocate and the Wonderful Counselor for the breakthrough we long for.
I have seen the presence of God at work in people’s lives and produce results that years of counselling have not been able to achieve. I have seen the presence of God touch the lives of people and the legal challenges that they have faced have suddenly been resolved. I have seen the presence of God come into people’s lives and they choose to forgive and their health issues get resolved.
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