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God's Kingdom – our first priority

Daily Thought

Your Word for 17 February 2025

Exodus 8:22
‘But on that day I will give special treatment to the land of Goshen, where My people are living…’

Matthew 6:33 ‘But seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’

The use of the word FIRST also has bearing here. The word first means that pursuing the kingdom of God should have first place and priority in our lives   This must be our first and primary priority.  In fact it should be only priority and every other issue should be firmly in second place. Before anything else gets our attention this aspect should get our focus.
It is as if when this falls into place that everything else can find its place. Often in life, everything else that is demanding our attention gets our focus and then the Kingdom of God is left to second, or worse ninth or tenth place. It should be first on the order of priority, first in the order of time, first in the order of focus and attention.
Have you ever had a bad toothache? That severe pain that compels you to seek help and attention. In fact nothing else matters until that matter is resolved.  It is as if every other concern is of no consequence until the pain is addressed. You don’t even care about anything else. Perhaps this is a bit of a negative illustration, but it shows how one thing can have the upper hand over other things that would usually have your focus.
In the same way we should seek God’s Kingdom first, above all else and putting aside everything else until that matter has received it proper attention and then to focus on other issues at hand.
I have handled many funerals in my years of ministry. One thing I have often seen is how many people became Christians at a young age and then followed God throughout their lives. I have often said that we must never underestimate the decisions of youth because they have great bearing on how life will play out. So I encourage young people to settle the matter of following God and putting Him first early in life.
He should be one of our first choices in the earliest stages of life and He should be given that place of priority throughout life.Don’t wait until you are trying to pick up the pieces and then try to settle this important aspect.
Quote from Spurgeon: ‘That which concerns your highest part should come first and your soul is more precious than your body! Your body will soon become food for worms, but your soul will outlast the stars.’
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