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We need to look up for our provision

Daily Thought

Your Word for 13 January 2025

John 7:38
‘Whoever believes in Me, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’

providerPeople look to many things for their provision. To their husbands, to their bosses, to their careers, to their insurance or pension funds.  God can use these, but they are not the ultimate source of provision. HE IS!

Philippians 4:19 And it is He who will supply all your needs from His riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for us.
Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart

The writer of the Psalms knew this provider.

Psalm 37:25 I have been young and now I am old. And in all my years I have never seen the Lord forsake a man who loves Him; nor have I seen the children of the godly go hungry.

God wants to provide for us.

Psalm 34:9-10 ‘O fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear Him have no want! ….. But those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.’

What a great promise! The key to provision is the following:
1. Wisdom – Common sense.
2. Fearing God.
3. Seeking God.
4. Faith and trust in God.
5. Delighting ourselves in God.
6. Not worrying, but bring our requests before God.
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